Complete Minerals & Heavy Metals Test + 30 Minute Health Coaching Call


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If someone tells us they suffer from brain fog and are stressed, anxious tired and overwhelmed this is the first test we reach for.

If you are not balanced when it comes to your electrolyte and mineral levels you will not be able to adequately deal with stress in your life.

This is the test that will enable you to see how well your nervous system is handling stress, what stage of adrenal dysfunction you may be in, what your mineral reserves are like, and if you’re dealing with higher levels of toxic heavy metals.

For heavy metal toxicity, arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury are among four of the most common heavy metals that cause health related issues. What’s worse is that exposure can happen in our daily life, even coming from skin and cosmetic products approved to put on our bodies!

30 Minute Health Coaching Consultation Included

Many of us walk around with debilitating symptoms which can be attributed to toxicity due to heavy metals. This lab is so helpful is because it assesses an often overlooked area of your health-minerals.

Your minerals levels include your electrolytes which provide you with the energy you need to get through your busy day, as well as buffer the effects of stress. No test is better at assessing these levels or looking at potential heavy metal toxicity than the Complete Minerals & Metal Test.


  • Brain Fog

  • High Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Overwhelm

  • Headaches

  • Skin Rashes

  • Hair Loss

  • Learning Disabilities (Children)

  • Mood Disturbances

  • Highs/Lows in Energy

  • Tingling/Numbness

  • Mood Irregularities

  • Poor Sleep

  • Unexplained Health Issues

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Exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals are possible from the food you eat, air or water pollution, any medicines you take or even food containers with an improper coating. 

Mineral imbalances can also impact your overall good health. In fact, imbalances of minerals like iron, magnesium and potassium can not only cause fatigue but could possibly be an indicator of more serious medical issues later in life.

This test will help you discover the early warning signs of heavy metal toxicity and potential mineral deficiencies through a simple hair sample, proven to be an accurate method of measurement.



Each lab test comes complete with everything you need to easily take your test at home and at your convenience.

Each lab test comes complete with everything you need to easily take your test at home and at your convenience.