Get to the root of your symptoms.

Reneé Moussa is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner specialized in combining multidisciplinary Eastern and Western Based modalities into one.

Three ways to take back your health.

Health Coaching with Reneé

Work with Reneé to heal your deepest imbalances, deficiencies and toxicities through the DESTRESS Protocol.

21 Day Liver & Weight Loss Detox

A Powerful, Scientifically Researched, Full-Body Detoxification, Weight Loss & Wellness System.

Functional Medicine Lab Testing

Order your at-home Functional Medicine Labs to discover the root causes keeping you from achieving your ideal body and health.

Detox with bōhdi.

The first step to achieving overall health is detoxification. Our unique Total Body Detoxification formula works to rid harmful toxins from every system and organ in the body. Reverse heavy metal toxicity, fight bloat, support digestion and gut health, and get rid of brain fog with bōhdi.

Private Yoga Instruction

Book a private one-on-one or group session from the comfort of your own home with Reneé.

The Blog

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The Key to Weight Loss


10 Signs You May Have A Parasite

Follow our journey.